Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Our Class Wiki - So Far

So far I have worked around our wiki page trying to get a glimpse of how things work. I added to "Social Networking" that companies and organizations use social media to share their advertisements. There is also a Marketing page that has already been created by previous student. I have contributed the section about a company call Razer that produce gaming electronics. I feel that these are very relevant to the existing pages. I even posted up a picture.

I am planning to do more research and focus more on advertisement and how much companies have to pay in order to have a place on these social media websites.


  1. Looked at your Wiki and found Razer interesting because I never heard of it. My younger brother play LoL and I heard it is the most played game in the world but was wondering how they made money. Is Razer one of their biggest sponsors?

  2. I would love to know how much each company pay for advertisements on social media websites. Those ads are more annoying thanhelpful, but if the price they pay is that high, i may be more considerate on their way of advertising. Looking forward to see how much they have to pay for those ads!
