Monday, April 28, 2014

The Next New Thing

A new type of "new media" can be dedicated animal adoptions. There are millions of stray dogs and dogs in shelters who are waiting for homes. Facebook is created for the connection of people, if a site is created for the connection of human and animals then it will be easier for people to adopt their next pet instead of buying, this new media can be called "Petbook". For this, there will be categories such as adoption separated by states so people are able to view animals closest to them. The best thing for people to post up are video, photos, and description of the animals they are so far that are under their care. I am aware that there are a lot of sites through out the internet from shelters, the bad thing about this is that not everyone is able to find websites by their names. Sometimes the shelter's names are very hard to make out. Petbook is organized through categories so it gives finder ease and it must be well designed like Facebook, Tumblr, and Youtube. Pet lovers can register accounts and do everything they can on Facebook, such as liking pictures, comment, and uploading their own pictures of their pets.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Our Class Wiki - So Far

So far I have worked around our wiki page trying to get a glimpse of how things work. I added to "Social Networking" that companies and organizations use social media to share their advertisements. There is also a Marketing page that has already been created by previous student. I have contributed the section about a company call Razer that produce gaming electronics. I feel that these are very relevant to the existing pages. I even posted up a picture.

I am planning to do more research and focus more on advertisement and how much companies have to pay in order to have a place on these social media websites.

P2P File Sharing

File sharing is one of the most essential things in the media world. It is one of the most important aspect for a lot of people's entertainment needs. In the digital world, file sharing is referred to as P2P or peer-to-peer. There are many websites that allow file sharing such as BitTorrent or UTorrent. These servers are complete legal but it is the content that are uploaded and downloaded from that are illegal. These systems allow the users to "torrent" movies or music that other peers have uploaded. Programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Microsoft Office can be found and download for free. The internet is impeccable.


1. The BitTorrent Effect by Clive Thompson, Wired, January 2005.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Privacy and Confidentiality

Social media is a great tool to connect with people you already know but it can also put you in danger by exposing your information to strangers. Media websites such as Facebook makes it so easy for someone who may not know who you are to view your pictures, status, and check-ins. They can learn so much about the person you are, what you like, and where you go on a daily basis just by viewing your Facebook page. Sometimes people do not know how to work Facebook's privacy settings or they do not care who views their page. This is very dangerous regarding what the person who is viewing your profile's intentions are. Many rape and murder cases are based off of social media interactions. People who use social medias should be more cautious of what they are posting up because the whole world may be observing their actions.

Whatever you post up on social media websites do not belong to you anymore. Media sites such as Instagram, Snap Chat,  and Facebook have the rights to claim your photos because you have uploaded onto their site and it belongs to them. This is one of the biggest problem with social media right now. A lot of users are not aware that what ever they post up on these websites, they will lose ownership of it because Facebook has the rights to put ownership on it themselves. This gives them the right to use the pictures as advertisements or just keep them in their data base. Social media users should really be more careful of what they put up and not to expose their private life to the world.


You are hired by Baruch College to use new media to improve the College. What are some suggestions you would make using new media?

I would tell Baruch to utilize social media sites such as Twitter. There are a lot of events, updates, and meetings all around Baruch but these information are not able to reach everyone. A lot of students miss out on important information such as when is the deadline to sign up for CUNY first or even the next big concert held by Hong Kong Club. Students go to school at a different time and most of the clubs or school staffs hand out fliers and pamphlets during club hours and day time.  If Baruch have a Twitter account students will be able to follow it and get updates right on their phone, instead of having a stack of paper handed out to them. This idea is better than e-mails because students tend to not check their emails or it may end up in the spam section.