Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Blogs v. Wiki

According to Marketing Terms, a blog is  "A frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and web links." it can be used for anything personal to advertising for companies that sponsor you their products. A great way to utilize a blog is using it for your personal life and work. For example, Wendy from Singapore is a very famous blogger who has a blog widely for work. There you can see that not only is her work blog entries are written down, but she also uses it for her daily life. A blog is used for giving viewer's information about the blogger has to blog about. Written in the passage "How Can We Measure the Influence of The Blogosphere?" by Kathy E. Gill, that many bloggers can influence their followers with the contents that are written in their blog posts. In this case, Wendy has influenced a very large amount of her followers because she advertise the products that are sponsored to her by saying all the positives and negatives about the product. From there, the followers can either buy the products or stay away from it.

A wiki is a informative and formal passage of information about one topic. It will only contain information about that topic and it is available to anyone who is either doing researching for just reading for fun. According to Wiki, "A wiki is usually a web application which allows people to add, modify, or delete content in collaboration with others." Anyone who sign up for Wiki can edit any of the pages they want. Whether it is adding new information or taking out information. This makes Wiki a very unreliable source.

  1. Wikipedia on Wikis: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki
  2. Blog, Marketing Terms: http://www.marketingterms.com/dictionary/blog/
  3. How Can We Measure the Influence of the Blogosphere? by Kathy E. Gill. Workshop on the Weblogging Ecosystem, May 2004. available from:http://faculty.washington.edu/kegill/pub/www2004_blogosphere_gill.pdf

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Social Media and Advertising

Social media has benefited the advertising and marketing industry greatly. Not only it has a wide range of segmentation to choose from but it is also free of charge. Social media sites such as Facebook is a free of charge advertising site for the company where also all company that you know of will use this to interact with their customers and keeps them up dated with all the new promotions and sales. The more followers a company has the wider range of people they are able to reach out to and communicate with. Another social media website such and Youtube does great job advertising for companies because their advertisement plays during the beginning of each video. However, using Youtube as a source of advertisement is not free but may also cost a large sum of money. The benefit of Youtube for promotion and advertisement is that there are millions, if not billions of people on Youtube on a daily basis. Depending on which country you are advertising to or located in, over a million people may have watched the company’s advertisement. Overall, social media is a large stepping stone for advertising because it takes promotion of their products or services onto another level. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

First Post

Hello! Welcome to my blog. I hope you will enjoy reading my blog posts as the semester goes on ^-^ I could already tell this would be an interesting class because of the interesting topics and project we are going to do. Happy blogging.
